This logo really did not come with any sort of brief. We asked the client what they had on mind, but their response was… Let’s see what you can come up with. So the little bird on the logo was born. The bird representing life and the symbolism is in the bird being “made up” of water. Therefore water giving you life.

Life Water is not a normal filtered water that is basically sold everywhere. This specific water has been scientifically tested and examined to actually bring you vitality and help your body heal.

Living Graphix actually designed the logo and the website for this product. Which was a brand new product launch for a long standing client of ours. The owner or rather the originator of Life Water is also the owner of Mind Dinamics. Marietta Hindy is a clinical hypnotherapist and has been a client of Living Graphix for around 10 years.

We designed the logo, website, Facebook page and Google MyBusiness for MindDinamics and Life water.

Unfortunately things have changed over the last 5 years and Marietta since sold the Life Water business. In order to focus on her hypnotherapy business. So the website is no longer live and we are not even entirely sure that the logo is even in use anymore.

We had a lot of fun creating this logo and a HUGE amount of love, time and energy went into the design. As it does with all of our design work of course!

  • Project Type: Logo Design
  • Skills Needed: Research, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Freehand Drawing
  • Customer: PI Life Water
  • Project Year: 2014
  • Website: No longer live

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