Living Graphix has over 15 years of experience in creating rich & dynamic websites. With skills in HTML, XHTLM & HTML5 combining css 3 and Flash & Javascript. Or we could just go directly to WordPress. It’s responsive, professional and SEO friendly. On the other hand, Joomla for ease of organization and simplistic yet effective & complicated web design all in the same instance.

Simply said, if you want your website to be found while someone is searching for your product on Google. Search engine optimisation is a must!
Google’s policies on how they scan your website change almost every six months to a year. With more and more websites becoming live. The challenges to SEO become even more greater. You do need a professional company to help you with this.

A corporate identity, the overall image of a corporation or firm, or business in the minds of diverse public’s. Such as customers and investors and employees.
It is a primary task of the corporate communications department to maintain and build this identity to accord with and facilitate the attainment of business objectives. Usually visibly manifested by way of branding and trademarks.

Digital Marketing takes many forms. From organic advertising (Unpaid). To paid for advertising on either Facebook, Google Adwords, Google Adsense, Twitter or any other affiliate sites.
Direct mail is also a good way for companies to get their message across. How to stand out of the clutter and not look like SPAM is a well thought out and educated strategy.

From branded premium water all the way through to pens, diaries, usb’s, water bottles, t-shirts, caps and mugs. If you need it branded, we will get it done for you. What an awesome way to get your company marketed to the masses.
These days there are so many various ways your companies logo can be manipulated onto well… anything. It suits any given environment.

From foiling of business cards, leaflets, brochures, invitations, business cards, scodex printed cards, magazines or whatever. You can be assured of the best quality and highest standards delivered to you by Living Graphix.
We have been in the printing industry for 20 years and we know our colours. We have the most professional and distinguished suppliers in the business.

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Please send us a message by filling out the form below and we will get back with you shortly.