Clip-tite are one of Adcomm’s best partners when it comes to advertising in the Adcomm Media magazine.

Adcomm is the sister company of Living Graphix which is focused on showcasing Media Owners and service providers to agencies and companies across South Africa. They asked us to help them with an email advert, which was aimed at being designed in HTML. This allows for the email to become interacttive. So that you may click on a link or links in the mail and that takes you to a site or destination that we appoint. Making the emailer “live” so to speak. The design elements for this were supplied to us by Clip-tite themselves, along with all of the information that needed to go on the emailer. Living Graphix needed to come up with the design. This particular sort of design is created using Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photshop. It is work intesive, as we need to make sure that the links all work, all the information is correct and that the design falls into the ‘attractive’ category. Living Graphix will be focusing on offering a lot more of this service in the very near future.

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